Office of Student Life

Leadership Lesson Plans

These resources were created so that anyone could use them to facilitate different experiences.  If you're interested in learning more about a topic, you could look through these facilitation guides for your own development. If you lead a group in some way, you could utilize an LLP during a meeting. There are a variety of ways to utilize these resources.

These lesson plans are designed to assist anyone in facilitating activities, discussions, and experiences. Take what you need and adjust based on your groups' needs. 

            - How to Create a Successful Program presentation

            - Group Dynamics presentation

               -  Challenge Based Learning Guide

               -  Challenge Based Learning presentation


Leadership lesson plans (LLPs) are part of a larger project that was created through the Student Involvement & Leadership Committee within Housing and Residence Education. Our team is made up of full-time staff, graduate assistants, and students. We are continually adding to this database of LLPs and collaborating with other Housing & Res Ed staff to provide you with additional resources.