Office of Student Life

Wisdom from Past OWL Student Coordinators

"The OWL Co-Chair position is an awesome opportunity to gain valuable leadership experience and manage a lot of responsibility. I would recommend the job to anyone who enjoys planning, Move-In Day, and OWL puns. Hootie Hoot!!" – Sera Kitchen (Co-Chair 2017)

"If you have a passion for the OWL program, or just Ohio State in general, then I would highly recommend applying. You will meet amazing people, make connections that will help you down the road, and see a whole other side of the university that you never knew existed!" – Matt Studenmund (Co-Chair 2016)

What did you enjoy about being an OWL Co-Chair?

I spent my summer alongside a team that pushed me to do my absolute best both with OWL and my personal aspirations. Planning and participating in one of the largest events on campus only allowed my love for Ohio State and being a Buckeye to grow. - Kyle Zufra (Co-Chair 2018)

The thing I enjoyed most about the Co-Chair position is the people that you get to meet! I was a part of an amazing team that I became super close with, because when you coordinate over a thousand volunteers, you form those unbreakable bonds. Even beyond our team though, I met some amazing people. Whether it be senior staff in different buildings, some of the Associate Directors of Residence Life, or all of the OWL-C's that you oversee, I have been able to build friendships and relationships that still last to this day, and that have benefited me in every aspect of my life!  - Matt Studenmund (Co-Chair 2016)

What did you learn through your time as an OWL Co-Chair?

I learned a lot about my style of leadership, as well as my strengths and weaknesses as a leader and part of a team. I think that I learned how to be a valuable member of such a small team. Over the summer, only 4 people made up the Leadership Team and so we all had to put in a significant amount of work and get along with one another. I would say we did so very well! - Kayla Vorhees (Co-Chair 2018)

You learn how to work on a team. You learn how to conduct a crowd. You learn how to work in a professional environment. You learn how to balance work and fun. You learn, without trying to sound too cliche, how awesome of a school Ohio State actually is. - Colin Knight (Co-Chair 2017)

What advice would you give to a future OWL Co-Chair?

Keep an open mind and be able to think on your feet. Even though planning process for the OWL program begins months in advance, things will always change at a moments notice and that's okay! Some days can be long and stressful, but keep in mind the rewarding work you are doing for the OWLs and for yourself. Be creative and always look for new ways that the program can improve. - Kyle Zufra (Co-Chair 2018)

The biggest piece of advice I could give is to laugh. There will be things that go wrong during your time as Co-Chair, as well as stressful times, and weird series of events. If you are able to laugh about it though, and overcome those obstacles, then you will find this to be one of the most rewarding jobs you could have! - Matt Studenmund (Co-Chair 2016)