Vaishnavi Nayak
- Title: President
- Email:
Primary Responsibilites: The President oversees all executive board members and their responsibilities. They are an instrumental part of bridging the gap between campus partners and administration in the Housing and Residence Education department and on-campus students. They also represent RHAC on a university and a national level.
A little about me: I am an third-year studying computer science and engineering. Outside of RHAC, I'm also on the executive board for ACM-W as the co-company relations coordinator and a member of NRHH. Over the summer, I was a part of two research projects: generating synethetic gaze data at Case Western Reserve University's ERIE lab and tackling scientific data management with Dr. Suren Byna's HPC-IO lab at Ohio State.
Fun Facts: Outside of academia, I love binge-watching TV and movies, reading, listening to music and podcasts, and hiking with friends. I also really enjoy cooking and baking!
Why I joined RHAC: I joined RHAC because I loved the idea of bettering OSU by taking ideas from other universities as well as helping other universities do the same from all the amazing work our RHA and NRHH chapters have been doing. Having had the opporunity to be an NCC last year, meeting people from around the US and the Central Atlantic has been a true priviledge and I hope to continue being active within the region this year as president.