Office of Student Life


Please apply at after submitting your program for approval.

Also read the following documents to ensure your program is likely to be accepted: 

  • RHAC Grant FAQs
  • RHAC Grant Guidelines
  • RHAC Grant Updates


August 31st, 2023

Dear Ohio State University Students, Faculty, and Community, 

We hope this letter finds you well and thriving in your academic pursuits. We, the Executive Board of the Residence Halls Advisory Council (RHAC), are reaching out to share some exciting news regarding recent improvements to our grant process.

Over the past few months, we have been hard at work analyzing feedback, conducting thorough evaluations, and collaborating with various HRE staff to enhance the grant application and allocation process. We understand the vital role that grants play in supporting your on-campus activities and initiatives, and we are committed to making this process as transparent, accessible, and effective as possible.

We are thrilled to announce that our efforts have resulted in a comprehensive revamp of the grant process. Here are some key highlights of the changes we have implemented:

  1. Streamlined Application: We have redesigned the grant application to be more user-friendly and concise, ensuring that you can efficiently communicate your ideas and funding needs.
  2. Clear Guidelines: To help you craft compelling grant proposals, we have provided detailed guidelines that outline the information and materials required for a successful application.
  3. New Pickup System:  Our new process emphasizes transparency at every step. You will receive timely updates on the status of your application and the allocation process, allowing you to stay informed about your funding request.

We are truly excited about these changes and believe they will contribute to a more equitable and supportive environment for on-campus student activities. Our commitment to fostering a vibrant and engaging campus community remains unwavering, and we are confident that these updates will further this mission.

Please view this page for additional detailed information held within the associated documents.  Should you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to Meenakshi Manne.20. 

Thank you for being an integral part of the Ohio State University community. Your passion, creativity, and dedication inspire us, and we look forward to continuing to support your endeavors.

Warm regards,

Meenakshi Manne
Director of Finance
Residence Halls Advisory Council