Meenakshi Manne
- Title: Vice President
- Email:
Primary Responsibilities: The Vice President is in charge of making sure things run smoothly during meetings and in our organization. This includes taking minutes, taking attendance, keeping track of senators' points, visiting RHAC committees, assisting other Executive Board members with their projects, and helping the President with any other work they see fit.
A little bit about me: I am a third year Finance major. Previously in residence life, I served as the Inclusive Excellence chair for the Blackburn-Haverfield-Mendoza-Norton-Scott community council and was a Finance committee member in RHAC. Outside of RHAC, I am involved with the Business Scholars program, Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations, and Pay It Forward.
Fun facts: I love anything related to music, whether that be listening or playing; I’ve been playing the flute for 7 years now, so music is a big part of my life! I also love to read, binge-watch movies and TV, try new foods, and spend time outside with family and friends.
Why I joined RHAC: I joined RHAC because I wanted to get more involved on campus. Coming to such a large campus. I knew that I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself, and found RHAC to be the perfect way to help my OSU community while helping me grow as a person as well.