Office of Student Life

Residence Hall Advisory Council An Involved Living Organization

Meenakshi Manne

Primary Responsibility: Manages RHAC's finances, runs the finance committee, oversees grants and scholarships. 

A little about me: I am a second year Finance major. Previously in residence life, I served as the Inclusive Excellence chair for the Blackburn-Haverfield-Mendoza-Norton-Scott community council and was a Finance committee member in RHAC. Outside of RHAC, I am involved with the Business Scholars program as a mentor, Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations, Pay It Forward, and the Fisher Undergraduate DEI committee. 

Fun Fact:  I love anything related to music, whether that be listening or playing; I’ve been playing the flute for 7 years now, so music is a big part of my life! I also love to read, binge-watch movies and TV, try new foods, and spend time outside with family and friends. 

Why I joined RHAC: I joined RHAC because I wanted to get more involved on campus. Coming to such a large campus. I knew that I wanted to be a part something bigger than myself, and found RHAC to be the perfect way to help my OSU community while helping me grow as a person as well.