Leah Wheeler
- Title: Advisor
- Email: wheeler.1110@osu.edu
Primary Responsibilities: I advise the RHAC executive board and serve as a resource to the organization.
A little about me: I am a professional staff member at Ohio State and serve as the Leadership & Involvement Specialist for Housing and Residence Education. I've worked in Higher Education for about 10 years and have advised organizations throughout. I'm from Portland, Oregon and love the west coast! During my college years I was an out-of-state student, student athlete, student activities rep, admissions rep, worked with campus ministries, served as a student government exec, and was very involved on campus.
Fun Fact: I love reading, movies/tv, sporting events/sports in general, playing games (video, board, etc.) and I love animals/conservation efforts. I'm also fascinated with dinosaurs and love watching dinosaur documentaries. I enjoy bullet journaling for both work and personal things (always love finding new ways to design monthly spreads) - I've been bullet journaling since 2018.
Why I love being a RHAC advisor: I love the opportunities to connect with people. RHAC is very similar to involvement opportunities I took advantage of in college and want to give back by helping to create a positive and enjoyable on-campus experience. I also enjoy being able to share my knowledge and serve as a mentor while learning from those I work with each year.