Explore Native American History with MUNDO
Saturday, March 29, 2025 (Newark Earthworks)
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
MUNDO invites all interested students, staff, and faculty to join us for the second part of this year's Hetuck: The MUNDO Native American Experience.
- "The Newark Earthworks is one of many Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks built by American Indians 2,000 years ago. This site is the largest earthwork complex, it includes geometric shapes interconnected by low walls all built from earth carried by human hands and laid intentionally one basketful at a time. An estimated 7 million cubic yards (approximately 21 million baskets) of earth were used to construct the Newark Earthworks which covered over four-square miles of what is now today the city of Newark, Ohio. Many groups of American Indians from all over North America were gathering at the Newark Earthworks to practice spiritual traditions, celebrate, and connect with one another and the world around them." (Taken from https://www.ohiohistory.org/visit/browse-historical-sites/newark-earthworks/)
This educational road trip component of the experience will transport participants to The Great Circle Newark Earthworks Museum and The Octagon Earthwork, which recently opened for full public access.
- After mornng tours, the group will enjoy lunch and reflect on lessons learned from the day and learn about Ohio State's Newark campus.
- The Cost of this experience is FREE but registration is required.
- Space is limited to 35 students and staff (including those who already are guaranteed a space because of their Autumn semester Native American Experience attendance,)
Participants in the Fall MUNDO Eats Native American Experience are guaranteed a space for this experience, but will still need to use this link to register.