Leading as a MOCA
MUNDO On-Campus Ambassadors (MOCAs):
MOCAs are Active MUNDO Members who"take MUNDO to the streets" by actively serving as liaisons for the initiative to on and off-campus student residential communities.
- Serve on MUNDO planning and facilitation teams (called ACTION TEAMS) which create and lead NDOs such as educational road trips, faculty and guest speaker events, and MUNDO interest groups.
- Help facilitate MUNDO2GO opportunities such as "Strange Foods?: Why the Difference is the Spice of Life" and "Are U Afraid of the Oval?"
Apply to be a MOCA
- MUNDO Members interested in becoming a MOCA can fill out the application.
Learn More:
- Contact Kevin Meleady-Breslin or Allison Wood (MOCA Coordinators) for more information about how to lead as a MOCA.