Office of Student Life

About Us

Why apply for NRHH?

  • We are the only honorary focused on on-campus living. This means we want to make an impact where YOU Live!
  • But we also care what happens outside of Ohio State! We work hard to extend our service projects outside of campus and into the greater Columbus-area, and BEYOND! 
  • Like how this past winter we took a Buck-I-Serv trip to Florida! (And all NRHH members got 50% off!!!)
  • We are also all about RECOGNITION! Everyone likes being recognized for the awesome stuff they do, and that's where we come in! We administer Ohio State's OTM program, BUT -- 
  • Also do other recognition activities, like writing thank you notes to all the Housekeepers on campus! Recognition builds positivity and makes builds an awesome campus!!
  • We also work with other campus organizations like RHAC (all all ILOs!) and Undergraduate Student Government on unique projects that serve the on-campus population!