Office of Student Life

About OTL

Off the Lake Productions (OTL) is the only student-run service-based theatre organization at The Ohio State University! OTL is dedicated to service at Ohio State and throughout the greater Columbus community, partnering with a local or national charitable organization each year. We also serve our campus through theatre written for students by students within our Peer Theatre facet. We produce multiple performances throughout the year, including our fall cabaret, one musical, one play, and our annual Night of One Acts!

Admission to all of our shows is a one dollar donation or one canned good which we donate to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank. This year, we are proud to announce that all monetary proceeds will go toward supporting The Returning Artist's Guild!

Off the Lake is proud to be a part of the Involved Living Organizations. The other organizations in Involved Living include Black Student Association (BSA), Multicultural Understanding through Nontraditional Opportunities (MUNDO), National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), and Residence Halls Advisory Council (RHAC).